global transition
ZEV Rapid Response Facility
Launched at COP27, the Zero-Emission Vehicle Rapid Response Facility (ZEV-RRF) seeks to strengthen international assistance for emerging markets and developing economy (EMDE) countries that have signaled a high ambition towards a zero-emission vehicle transition. The ZEV-RRF provides coordinated, easy, and quickly accessible short-term technical assistance to EMDEs by connecting countries to a global network of technical experts and delivery partners through a single-entry point.
What We Do
The ZEV-RRF operates via a hub-and-spoke model whereby the Hub (International Council on Clean Transportation) collects requests from eligible countries and matches them through a fair and transparent process with a suitable technical partner within the ZEV-RRF Spoke Network that has the capacity to assist.
The ZEV-RRF aims to execute short-term (18 months or less) technical assistance projects that rapidly respond to a country’s most pressing ZEV transition challenges. The ZEV-RRF Spoke Network has a wide range of expertise and can assist countries with many different types of needs.
Research and Scenario Development
Conduct data collection, analysis, baseline assessment, modeling, projections
Development of Policies and Regulations
Formulate quantitative targets or roadmaps, devise implementation strategies, identify best practices and procurement routes, develop legal and regulatory frameworks
Project Formulation
Help countries develop proposals or bids for financial assistance for infrastructure development and asset acquisition
Technical Training
Conduct workshops or presentations to increase technical capacity on specific topics
There are two eligibility criteria countries must meet to become eligible for the ZEV-RRF. First, they must have signaled their ambition to quickly transition to ZEVs by signing the ZEV Declaration (under paragraph 2A or 2B) and/or the Global Memorandum of Understanding on Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (Global MOU).
Secondly, countries must be located in a developing region as defined by the United Nations Statistical Division and/or be included in the DAC List of Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients. Please note that some eligible countries will be only eligible for in-kind technical support and non-ODA restricted funding support from the ZEV-RRF Spoke Network, whereas others that are ODA eligible, as defined by the OECD, could additionally benefit from ODA-funded support.
Requests for ZEV-RRF support must be submitted entirely by or in direct partnership with a national government ministry and/or technical agency. The ZEV-RRF currently cannot accept requests from entities unaffiliated with the national government of an eligible country.
As of May 2024, eligible countries include:
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Azerbaijan
- Cabo Verde
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Curaçao
- Dominican Republic
- El Salvador
- Ethiopia
- Ghana
- India
- Kenya
- Mexico
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Nigeria
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Rwanda
- Seychelles
- Sint Maarten
- Tonga
- Türkiye
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
Our Process
Fill out the Country Request Form or email the Hub with a request for technical assistance
Hub will contact you to refine the request
Request is shared with the Spoke Network to decide on the most appropriate and feasible way to address the request
The requester is matched with a spoke that is capable of providing the requested technical assistance
Hub directs the requester toward existing resources (signposting)
Start Here
Begin your request for technical assistance
Already have a full project proposal prepared? Fill out our Country Request Form to share more details. (PDF form available here.)
Need assistance developing a full scale proposal? Email the Hub to get started.
Additional Resources
- Africa E-Mobility Alliance
- CALSTART/Drive to Zero
- Cenex – Low Carbon and Fuel Cells Centre of Excellence
- Centro Movilidad Sostenible
- Climate Compatible Growth
- Climate Investment Funds (CIF)
- Digital Transport 4 Africa (DT4A)
- FIA Foundation
- Forth
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- Global Facility to Decarbonize Transport
- Global Sustainable Mobility Partnership
- Green Grids Initiative (GGI)
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB/IADB)
- International Council on Clean Transportation
- Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI)
- United Kingdom Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (UK DESNZ)
- University of California, Davis (UC Davis) Institute for Transportation Studies (ITS)
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- World Bank
- World Resources Institute (WRI)
How can I apply?
Eligible countries can submit a request by simply emailing us at [email protected]. We encourage you to share as much information as possible about your proposed project or challenge and any potential technical assistance ideas that could address it. Although not required, you may also fill out the Country Request Form to share additional details about your project.
When can I submit a request?
Project requests can be submitted at any time and are reviewed on a rolling basis.
What are some guidelines for submitting requests?
Requests can be simple, such as a single question, or detailed, including a full project proposal. Some relevant guidelines to follow include:
- Requests should be submitted either entirely by, or in direct partnership with, a government ministry or agency of one of the eligible countries.
- Requests should primarily seek technical assistance. If funding is made available, it will primarily support the cost of executing the requested technical assistance. ZEV-RRF-coordinated financial assistance cannot cover costs for purchasing, upgrading, or repairing physical assets.
- Requests should focus on the road transport sector specifically and can encompass light-, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles as well as their associated infrastructure and supply chains.
- The targeted timeframe for completing requested projects should be 18 months or less from the start date.
- We suggest you indicate the targeted vehicle segment for electrification (e.g., 2-wheelers, buses, trucks) and relevant background on the request topic.
Please note that additional criteria may apply on a case-by-case basis. Ultimately, requests will need to align with the Spoke Network’s expertise and its available resources.
We encourage you to submit any and all questions about the ZEV-RRF by emailing [email protected].
I have ZEV transition-related questions and project ideas, but no fully fleshed-out project plans. Can the ZEV-RRF help me?
Yes. Email your thoughts and questions to [email protected]. Once received, the Hub team can assist you in refining or shaping your request, depending on its topic and scope.
How long will it take for me to receive assistance?
The ZEV-RRF is intended to provide rapid assistance. All projects should be fully completed within 18 months. Applicants can expect to receive an initial response to their request, potentially including follow-up questions and relevant resources, no more than one month after the request submission date.
What is the added value of the ZEV-RRF compared to other initiatives providing technical assistance?
The ZEV-RRF is unique in its approach to providing technical assistance. The Facility aims to:
- Make it easier for countries to quickly access the technical support they need, when they need it, by providing a user-friendly single-entry point to a diverse Spoke Network of existing resources and expertise.
- Facilitate North-South and South-South dialogues between and amongst target EMDE countries and member governments of the ZEV Transition Council.
- Support countries through project inception, to implementation, and completion phases.
- Act as a flexible resource with a rapid turnaround time to fill strategically important gaps for EMDE countries’ ZEV transitions.
- Support countries, as/where requested, in securing access to longer-term and more systemic support, which can be provided through e.g., Multilateral Development Banks.
- Help strengthen coordination at the global and regional levels – across existing initiatives and programs – and better ensure the support being provided to countries is meeting their needs and requirements.